Winter Park

An easy Winter Park 'blue'

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Winter Park is so busy!!!

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The Rockies!

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Lets go up there to Timberline

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Jon adjusting his bindings

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This looks a nice run

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Winter Park high station

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Get the boots done and lets go!

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Another busy day on the Primrose run

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John and Jon's playground

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Down by the kicker

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Lets go down through the trees

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Top of Winter Park panorama

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Jon preparing for a run at the kicker

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Jon's approach looks good

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Perfect take off!!

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An easy 'green'

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Another lovely tree run

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Jon on top of the world

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Wow, look at that view!

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A Rockies panorama

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Another Rockies panorama

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How do we get to the Parsenn 'black'

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Oh shit, down there?

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We made it .....but how??

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The 'cat track' from hell!!

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Only another mile of this!!

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Back to the empty open piste...this was Saturday!!

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Relaxing at 'Lunch Rock'

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Winter Park Base Station, our hotel in the background.

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White Out!!

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After the snow....the wind!

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Open post blizzard piste

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Going up the Timberline safety guards on this baby!!

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Enough of the scary warnings.......lets go!!

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The long hike to the Vasquez Cirque powder bowls

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Jon in front of the bowl we conquered

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All ready for the Vasquez Cirque

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OK, who's going first??

pic Johns photos!!! Surely not down there???

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There were some lunatics who straight lined this!!

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This is what we came down

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The way down from the bowl

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The 'cat track' is down through the trees

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Downtown Winter Park

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Warming up at the bus station camp fire

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